Wednesday, May 28, 2014

May 27-28, 2014–Canada Customs and Hell’s Gate Tram

I got an early start, but I had stops to make before crossing into Canada at Sumas, Washington.  Ah, an agent with no personality and probably a chauvinist.  The conversation went something like this – ‘Where are you going?’ Alaska; ‘Do you know someone there? No;  ‘Then why are you going?’ To sightsee;  ‘Alone?’ Yes; ‘Have you done this before?’ Yes.  That yes was a bit of a stretch since I wasn’t alone last time, but good grief!!  He did ask if I had any weapons, but he didn’t ask if I had any liquor!  I could have brought that cheap Arizona liquor with me!!

The Fraser River and one of many trains!

The weather was good, but the forecast for the next few days wasn’t.  I skipped a couple things so that I could get to Boston Bar for the Hell’s Gate Airtram Ride.  I did learn that one of the attractions on my list was closed due to a slide so I didn’t feel so bad!

Going down!

Fishways were built on either side of the river to aid the salmon swimming upstream.



The tram ride was short compared to the others I have done.   Once you get down to ‘river level’ you are greeted with shops where you can spend your money.   There are train tracks on both sides of the river and very much in use!

I am now ahead of schedule on the first day and have passed where I intended to spend the night.  I came upon Gold Pan Provincial Park on the banks of the Thompson River just north of where it joins the Fraser.  Very powerful water and my kind of place!  Again there were trains on both sides of the river.  They are long and there are many of them!

Day 2 I woke to rain which was off and on all day for my drive.  Like deer crossing signs, they have badger crossing signs here.  One did cross right in front of me!  I knew there was a semi behind me so I couldn’t completely stop and I saw in my mirror that the badger made it across the road.  Guess he didn’t see the sign where he was suppose to cross!

Tonight I am WalMart in Quesnel, B.C. and grateful for their WiFi!

Monday, May 5, 2014

April, 2014 Desert Sightings

Fun in the desert continued in April.  While there are things we have seen in the past that we didn’t find this year – tortoise, gila monster – we did see new and sometimes unusual things.

Patch nose snake

We have seen these rather large bugs flying around.  I finally found that they are of the Blister Beetle family. 

On one occasion we saw these two on a small flower.

The next time we saw one carrying something which he put down.  He crawled away and after a few feet, he started digging a hole.

He then went to bring his ‘prey’ home.  I had no idea it was a grasshopper until I looked at the photo.

A ride near Bouse took us to Preacher’s Pass and the view from there.

It is always a thrill to see sheep, especially rams!

We never tired of seeing Saguaro blooms!

We revisited the baby hawks.  I call them chicks but the correct term is eyass (EYE-ess).  We walked in hoping not to disturb mama, but she wasn’t even home!

We came across a few memorials in the desert this year. 
We found a 2nd hawk nest.  This one had two parents flying above (only one in the photo) – they let us know they weren’t happy.

Two years ago we saw a single Desert Iguana.  This year we saw several!

This lizard entertained us as he dug – perhaps for insects?  Those are Palo Verde blossoms that have fallen.

Even the Saguaros which have not-so-stately arms bud.

The buds had a sticky substance.  We later found blooms on the ground and they had no scent.

A Palo Verde tree in bloom.

The Harrisburg Cemetery south of Salome.

Desert Willow blooms – we had not seen these before and found them in only one place.

Baby quail

Zebra tail lizard

Another memorial.  I looked up this man’s obituary and found he was from South Dakota.

A third visit to the young hawks the day before we left for the summer.  Mama was away but came home before we left.

Another memorial.


What will next year in the desert bring?!?

Saturday, May 3, 2014

March, 2014, in the desert

It has been a true blessing to be in the desert this year! 
The first Hedgehog bloom was seen in early March

 The  yellow Brittle Bush brightened up the desert among the ocotillo and the cholla.

Then there is what we call Poppy Canyon.


And a hummingbird

A beautiful Argentine Giant Cactus and a Spiny lizard


A Horned Lizard (Toad) and a Chuckwalla Iguana

A ride near Quartzsite where odds and ends are set up in the desert  - quite whimsical.  This is just a small sampling because I have been here before.

We have a friend that has been somewhat of a ‘timid’ rider for awhile, but learned to overcome it.  After declining once before, she was ready for ‘Oh Shit Run’.  She gave a thumbs up because she did it (tho it wasn’t her favorite).
We also saw a young Chuckwalla at the end of the trail.


Riding in the hills to see an Ocotillo in bloom, a Mama hawk unhappy as we visit her chicks and a Collared lizard



 A harmless Gopher or Bull snake.  A lizard that I haven’t figured out, but what a pose!