Thursday, June 26, 2014

June 10–Dempster Highway, Day 3

A beautiful morning after rain last night!

As we were getting ready to head out, LeRoy noticed he had a flat tire!  He aired it up and away we went.  Eagle Plains, which is about half way between Dawson and Inuvik, was ‘up the road’ about 65 miles.
LeRoy leading the way down the hill from our campsite.

We noticed smoke in the distance before we left, and drew nearer to the fire.  It was most likely started by dry lightening (lightening but no rain) last evening.  As we drove on, we came to where it was closer to the road than in these photos.  Later in the day, LeRoy talked with a highway department worker in Eagle Plains who said they were sending pilot cars to lead travelers through at times due to the smoke.

Some critters didn’t make it through the winter and perhaps others feasted.  A piece of antler and grizzly bear tracks.

Still on our merry way when LeRoy pulled over, got out and pointed at a tire.  Nope, not the one from this morning, but a definite flat this time!!  It isn’t airing up and I can hear the air hissing out.  He has had practice because we had a flat on my truck two years ago when we were here.  Raise the camper and change the tire – not fun.    What a place to do it!  After the tire is changed, it is time to air up the leaky one again.

We finally arrived at Eagle Plains.  I fueled up (over $6 a gallon) and LeRoy got two tires repaired because they had no matching tire as a replacement.
While we waited, I heard an unusual bird chirp.  Judging by the feathers and size, a small raven.  I took a couple of photos, checked them and when I looked up, I saw an adult raven flying by but I missed the little one’s departure.

This is mild dust because you can see LeRoy up ahead.

Now we are off to the Arctic Circle where LeRoy wants to plan his photographing the sun during - the Summer Solstice next week.  Not his day!  The landscape wasn’t as he remembered so it really won’t be a good spot.  Sad smile 
 We headed on and found a spot to park for the night – nice view of the hills.  Now later in the evening, a storm is on its way.  I thought I might get some lightening shots, but I did get this shot of the road just traveled.  It was quite a storm with lightening hitting close.

Just before I was going to bed at midnight, I looked out to see how much mud we are parked in.  Saw something I didn’t want to see – LeRoy’s slow leaking tire is still leaking!

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